Sunday, August 15, 2010

Weebly websites

Using the skills that I have learnt creating WIKIS and blogs the process of creating a website was not very difficult. Websites are a great way of sharing information with students but also the world. Websites differ from WIKIS in the way that the creator can only edit the website. WIKIS can be edited by anyone.
The weebly website was very straightforward to use. However I did find it frustrating that I wasn't able to add a video clip. This apparent privilege would cost me $40, no thanks weebly. Websites are useful because a teacher can add information to it and it is secure from other people editing the site. The problem with this that I can see is that students will be unable to engage with the site as it is just pictures and words usually. I believe a successful website for students would need to include WebQuests interactive games and activities that students can become involved with.
Does anyone have similar thoughts to this?

1 comment:

  1. Yes Nick, from what i've seen, interactive sites keep the students more engaged than websites which only have information.
